Interview with Red Dwarf Studios, Sewell, NJ

SEWELL – Red Dwarf Studios, a five room rehearsal space for young musicians in South Jersey, opened in May of 2012. John Angeloni runs the facility owned by his father. They both have a passion for music and want to share that passion with musicians especially the young and upcoming ones from the area.

Read more about Red Dwarf Studios here:

Beach Repair and Construction in Ocean City

OCEAN CITY – Photos taken in Ocean City, NJ of beach repair, construction of dunes and recent activity. Pics were taken below 7th Street from the boardwalk, 34th Street and 59th Street in late April. With about 20 days until the season starts there is much work to do. Most of the damage comes from Hurricane/Superstorm Sandy and Nor’easters that have hit the area since Labor Day.